I love snow! We've got something like 30 inches over here now ... and counting. I just got back from Bob and Edith's with Eric and, as with the last blizzard, there were people out and about all down Columbia Pike. Unfortunately there were also people who insisted on driving, and we saw numerous cars and, yes, 4WD vehicles getting stuck in giant snowbanks and cussing furiously as though they were shocked this was happening. Even as I type, someone is outside furiously jamming on the gas and trying to pull out of their parking space. (The picture at right shows the view of the parking lot from my balcony a few hours ago -- you can see where two people have cleared their cars. One was a fella from the Coast Guard.) For all I know, they really did have somewhere important to go, but I'm guessing there will be even more accidents tomorrow when people insist on getting out to go to Super Bowl parties. As for me, I'm perfectly happy curled up on the couch at home. When I felt a little cabin fever setting in, E. and I just dressed up and went outside for a while. My knee-high boots did a good job of keeping the snow away from my legs -- good since it went up past my knees at points -- and Eric's do-it-yourself plastic bag shoe protectors kept him dry. We tromped across the street to Bob and Edith's, where unfortunately my half-smoke was cold, and then around the neighborhood searching vainly for a copy of the latest Washington City Paper. The view of the surrounding neighborhoods was too gorgeous for words. I think Eric got some pictures. I lost my balance and fell in the snow at one point, but I didn't mind. The roof garden is closed -- too bad!
Our balcony is covered in huge snow drifts. The decorative lights Eric brought home from his work two months ago are almost entirely covered up, and they almost reach my hips! We could easily build a snowman out there -- thinking about it :)
At times, I almost feel guilty being so happy about a snowstorm when so many other people are affected negatively. At Bob and Edith's, the servers were dismayed when the news reported that the buses had stopped running. But I truly love a good snowstorm. And, since I work at home, I have a different perspective on these storms coming during the weekends. I would have to work anyway -- so it's nice to be able to enjoy the snow on a day when I don't have to do anything else (other than my laundry -- ran three loads last night and still have two hampers stuffed full of dirty clothes. Gross!).
In sadder news, my beta fish, Seamus, passed away a while back. It's always tough to raise a little creature for several years only to lose him. He was definitely a tenacious little fella. I'll have a tribute post up for him soon.
I'm kind of sick of Blogger already. Stupid things like posting pictures and getting spacing to show up the way I entered it are way more difficult than they should be. I've never been great at formatting and whatnot anyway, so maybe I should switch to another blog site. We'll see!
At times, I almost feel guilty being so happy about a snowstorm when so many other people are affected negatively. At Bob and Edith's, the servers were dismayed when the news reported that the buses had stopped running. But I truly love a good snowstorm. And, since I work at home, I have a different perspective on these storms coming during the weekends. I would have to work anyway -- so it's nice to be able to enjoy the snow on a day when I don't have to do anything else (other than my laundry -- ran three loads last night and still have two hampers stuffed full of dirty clothes. Gross!).
In sadder news, my beta fish, Seamus, passed away a while back. It's always tough to raise a little creature for several years only to lose him. He was definitely a tenacious little fella. I'll have a tribute post up for him soon.
I'm kind of sick of Blogger already. Stupid things like posting pictures and getting spacing to show up the way I entered it are way more difficult than they should be. I've never been great at formatting and whatnot anyway, so maybe I should switch to another blog site. We'll see!
I would recommend trying WordPress. That's what I run on my server. I don't know if the free version ([[username]].wordpress.com) is any different, but I really like the WordPress software a lot.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad someone is enjoying the snow... I'm not liking it but then, I never really have enjoyed snowstorms (at least, not since I've been a grown-up and have to drive to work in them). Rob is very sick and I had to pay somebody to shovel out my car :(
ReplyDeleteC, I'm very sorry to hear that Rob is sick and hope he is better by now. MV, I understand completely your ambivalence: I love big, shut-everything-down snowstorms, but I do feel bad for all the people whose lives are inconvenienced, aggravated, or even threatened by the severe weather. I enjoyed reading this posting too. Your writing is so clear, fresh, and funny! All of your wonderful details really make the subject vivid.
ReplyDeleteAunt Vinson
Thanks again, Aunt Vinson! How was your trip?
ReplyDeleteYou all have really been pounded up there. I've got to admit, I find Blogspot annoying! Logging in (for non-anonymous comments) is a pain and not obvious! Took me awhile to figure it out. And making comments is not easy even after you're logged in; you have to log in for *each* comment.